
Health & Nutrition

COVID19 Prevention & Treatments


Baby Apirin (81mg), one or two per day while having symptoms (I take before bedtime)

Melatonin 5-10 mg before bedtime

Magnesium supplements if deficient

Vitamins B1, 3, and12 help with boosting immune system and dealing with inflammation


With the respiratory disease season in full swing, many people are getting sick with covid (not just omicron but delta and other variants in circulation). Meanwhile, our governments and health agencies’ response is doubling down on the same ineffective measures of the last two years. 

Testing kits and masks are not treatments. Unless you are lucky to have a doctor who ventures outside the guidelines (or almost no guidelines for covid treatments), you may have to rely on yourself. Ironically, that’s the advice you get from most doctors, rely on yourself; why not make you better at taking care of yourself.

Based on personal experience, either because of the fear associated with COVID or the virus’s effect on the body, there is a measure of anxiety and inability to concentrate. I believe some people end up in the hospital due to symptoms similar to those of an anxiety attack. It is helpful to understand the disease progression and symptoms to watch. And be prepared with supplements, medicines, and things like a pulse oximeter.

Here, I have listed some of the many sources for preventing and treating COVID and other pathogenic diseases. In many cases, prevention and treatments do not include medications like ivermectin (falsely labeled and vilified by the institutions we believe protect us). They can be simple measures like a targeted supplementation with vitamins and minerals that help fight off pathogens or learning about factors and medications that can help or hinder the healing process at different stages of the infection.

Many have been kept unaware of the good news that COVID is not a fatal disease for most people. In fact, there is only about 0.01% fatality for the under 60yr-olds (vaccinated or not), and that’s in the absence of proper prevention, immune boosting, and treatments.

(NOTE: for information only, this is not medical advice.)

  • Sources and websites
  • Risk factors for COVID19
  • Prevention methods & protocols
  • Early treatments, hospital treatments, and long-term recovery protocols (long COVID, long COVID vaccine)


Reducing Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Severity – lists many preventions, early treatments, and recovery protocols published and submitted by doctors and hospitals.

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance – Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID19

Truth for Health Foundation COVID early treatmentsDr. Peter McCullough 

COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 1,032 studies (as of Oct 2021)

Risk factors

  • Age – As Dr. Fauci noted in March 2020, “the risk group is very, very clear.” This is due to immune deficiencies as we age and multiple comorbidities.
  • Serious and multiple comorbidities; metabolic diseases, obesity, etc.
  • Nutrient deficiencies due to poor, nutrient-deficient diet (the primary sources of vitamin Bs, zinc, omega3 fatty acid, etc., are animal-based foods), limited sun exposure (vitamin D deficiency), and low physical activity, sleep deficiencies, and stress.
  • Diet high in sugars (including fructose, e.g., foods containing HFCS), carbohydrates, and inflammatory omega-six fatty acid (vegetable/seed oils)


Many prophylactic (preventative) protocols are proposed and used by older and high-risk groups. For children and the young, a proper diet, sun, and a few supplements as needed.

I use the following prevention from flccc with a few modifications:


Baby Apirin (80mg), one or two per day while having symptoms

Melatonin 5-10 mg before bed

  • Take zinc as a preventative if deficient in the diet. An animal-based diet provides a sufficient amount.
  • You can check vitamin D levels via a blood test; the levels should be over 50 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter). Most people in the northern hemisphere are deficient, especially with darker skin and especially in the winter. The government’s recommended daily allowance is low.

Various studies have found a correlation between obesity and poor metabolic health with higher viral loads and more severe pathogenic diseases, including COVID19. The current dietary guidelines and advice for losing weight are ineffective. Learn about the science of nutrition and easy, natural ways to lose weight.

Treatment Protocols

“Call your doctor and ask if they treat covid in case you need it; if they don’t, find another doctor who would,” Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and a pioneer in treating many COVID19 patients successfully.

Early treatment, hospital, and recovery protocols from

Sample prevention/early treatment:


Dosages I used for a not so severe case of COVID:

Symptoms: sore throat, stomach issues (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea), lung inflammation (no infection or low blood oxygen levels).

  • Ivermectin 12 mg/day – in the morning with meal for three days
  • Vitamin D3: 5000 IU/day
  • Vitamin C: 1000 mg/day
  • Vitamin B complex or B3 & B12
  • Zinc: 50 mg/day
  • Melatonin: 5 mg/night
  • Gargle with saltwater periodically

Take the vitamin D with the main (fattiest) meal as it is fat-soluble. It is the sunshine vitamin so take it in the morning or during the day.

Found this table from flccc doctors very helpful; e.g., taking corticosteroids early can hinder recovery as it may interfere with the body’s natural pathogen fighting abilities.

Complete guide to the management of COVID19

Dr. McCullough protocol:

This table lists various drugs and supplements based on their effectiveness; vitamin D, C, Quercetin, etc.

Source: (& links to studies like this one for melatonin)


A disease with two phases?

This is a fascinating conversation with RD. SHANKARA CHETTY of South Africa who has successfully treated over 7000 COVID patients in his office. He explains his findings and understanding of COVID disease. He believes COVID has a viral phase that lasts for about eight days; then, it leads to an acute allergic (to spike protein?) phase in some people. He thinks what has been called COVID pneumonia is, in fact, hypersensitivity pneumonitis (an immune system disorder in which the lungs become inflamed as an allergic reaction). Based on this understanding, he treats his patients:

  • With antiviral drugs and supplements during the 1st phase,
  • With 3-4 days of steroids during the 2nd phase (steroids are not appropriate during the viral phase as they interfere with the immune system and hinder the body’s ability to fight pathogens). He adds an antihistamine for more critical patients and those with very low blood oxygen levels as there is not enough time for steroids to affect.

Note, many doctors have described long COVID and prolonged adverse reactions due to the vaccines as having similar presentations as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and therefore have prescribed some of the same treatments and dietary interventions (e.g., a low histamine diet) that are used for treating MCAS.

Additional Information

Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory

Is it the pathogens that make us sick or the fact that we provide the breeding ground for them to flourish by being unhealthy and having a weakened immune system?

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